
Common warts and foot warts appear on the skin as small, rough 'cauliflower-like' growths, caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Common warts occur mostly on hands, fingers or toes. Foot warts mainly grow on the soles of the feet or heels and tend to be flatter, harder and are often tender/painful when walking or standing.

Warts are very common, with most people being infected at some point in their life. The estimated current rate of non-genital warts among the general population is 1–13%. They are more common among young people. Because children don't have antibodies yet against the HPV virus, it's that group that suffers from warts the most. From the people that have warts 53% is younger than 19 years old.

Another high-risk category is formed by people with a weakened immune system, like cancer patients being treated with chemo, or patients with AIDS.


How do you contract warts?

The human papillomavirus, which causes warts, is being transmitted by direct contact with the skin. Also on moist surfaces the virus can thrive and be transmitted. Therefore, changing room floors, public showers and swimming pools are possible sources of infection. The risk of contamination increases when the skin suffers from a little wound like a gall, dogbite or a tiny cut from shaving etc.

Children are a high-risk group because they play around more and have a higher change of suffering from little skin wounds. Moreover by visiting swimming pools, holiday camps and school they are in regular contact with infected locations.


Why treat warts?

In most cases warts are more annoying than damaging to your health. Especially when they occur on the face, hands or feet they can be quite a nuisance, but can also look very unhygienic. On top of that warts can easily start to bleed when they come in contact with a sharp object. Left untreated, warts can become painful, especially when they are located on the soles of your feet and you strain your body by moving around differently to relieve the pain. Effective treatment can help you get rid of warts.

Excilor 2in1 Warts Treatment
/ Warts

  • Unique 2in1 warts treatment
  • Combines cryo & gel treatment
  • Effective wart treatment
  • Treatment period 5 days
  • Easy to use
  • Winner 2018 Pharma Award. For 'best innovation'

Why choose Excilor?

  • Excilor® 2in1 Warts Treatment treats the wart both from the inside-out (cryo treatment) and from the outside-in (gel treatment).
  • Excilor® 2in1 Warts Treatment offers a highly effective and fast wart removal in only 5 days.
  • Both the thickened skin of the wart and its causative virus are removed and new healthy skin will appear.


  • Wear rubber-soled flip-flops or sandals in public locker rooms and showers.
  • If you walk barefoot, protect yourself with Excilor 3in1 Protector Spray - for 8 hours of protection against the contraction of warts, athlete's foot and nail fungus.