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Common warts (verruca vulgaris) and foot warts (verruca plantaris) appear on the skin as small, rough 'cauliflower-like' growths, caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Common warts occur mostly on hands, fingers or toes. Foot warts mainly grow on the soles of the feet or heels and tend to be flatter, harder and are often tender/painful when walking or standing. 

Perché Excilor® Warts Trattamento 2 in 1?

Excilor® Warts Trattamento 2in1 con l’esclusiva tecnologia DuoActiveTM ha un meccanismo d’azione

Cura le verruche dall’interno (crioterapia) e dall’esterno (trattamento in gel)


Tratta efficacemente le verruche in 5 giorni

How do you get warts?

The human papillomavirus, which causes warts, is being transmitted by direct contact with the skin. Also on moist surfaces the virus can thrive and be transmitted. Therefore, changing room floors, public showers and swimming pools are possible sources of infection. The risk of contamination increases when the skin suffers from a little wound like a gall, dogbite or a tiny cut from shaving etc.

Children are a high-risk group because they play around more and have a higher change of suffering from little skin wounds. Moreover by visiting swimming pools, holiday camps and school they are in regular contact with infected locations.


Effective removal in only 5 days

The human papillomavirus, which causes warts, is being transmitted by direct contact with the skin. Also on moist surfaces the virus can thrive and be transmitted. Therefore, changing room floors, public showers and swimming pools are possible sources of infection. The risk of contamination increases when the skin suffers from a little wound like a gall, dogbite or a tiny cut from shaving etc.

Children are a high-risk group because they play around more and have a higher change of suffering from little skin wounds. Moreover by visiting swimming pools, holiday camps and school they are in regular contact with infected locations.