Foot Care

Discover our dedicated articles to foot beauty, including essential tips for taking care of your nails, moisturizing your feet, and enjoying invigorating massages. Our experts share indispensable tricks for maintaining healthy nails, recommendations for soft, hydrated, and well-maintained feet, as well as relaxing massage techniques to revitalize your feet after a busy day. Explore our content for a complete care routine and give your feet the attention they deserve

Foot Care

How to properly trim your toenails?

Cutting your toenails is important. Besides helping you look good, cutting your toenails properly can prevent ingrown…

Pedicure care: benefits for both feet and nails.

Pedicure care consist of the range of medical treatments that treat conditions affecting the skin and toenails on your…

What is seborrheic keratosis?

A seborrheic wart, also known as seborrheic keratosis, is a benign skin lesion that is slightly darker than the skin an…

How to prevent and treat a blister on the foot?

A blister is a small fluid-filled sac that forms following repeated rubbing of the skin. Blisters mostly occur on the…

Callus : what is it and how to treat it ?

A callus is a fairly small area of hardened skin. It usually occurs on the bottom of the foot but can also be found beh…

Dry feet: how to properly moisturise your feet

Having dry feet is a common reason for consulting a podiatrist. Dry feet increase the risk of hyperkeratosis, which can…

Athlete's foot: causes, symptoms and treatment

Athlete's foot, also known as tinea pedis, is a type of fungal foot infection that affects the spaces between the small…

How to have beautiful feet

We often forget about our feet but we need to pamper them, as they are important for all aspects of walking and moving…

What are the benefits of a foot massage?

The foot is a complex organ that is involved in many aspects of the working of the human body. Reflexology considers th…

How to recognise and treat an ingrown toenail?

The term ingrown toenail is used when a nail becomes embedded in the surrounding skin. It can be treated at home by tak…